
Showing posts from February, 2015

ShaerPoint 2013: How do I change the picture (source) for an image at runtime?

An image can easily be converted into a 'clickable' image with some simple html manipulation - put the image in an anchor tag. I have added two images (First.ico and Second.ico) to the Style Library/images of my site collection. I also have jQuery referenced in my masterpage. Here is the html: <a href="" onclick="changeImage()"><img id="favourite" ></img></a> Changing the image is just as easy: First, lets set an initial source value: jQuery(window).load(function () {    $("#favourite").attr("src", "/Style%20Library/Images/First.ico"); }) Then, implement the changeImage function to switch images: function changeImage() { if ($("#favourite").attr("src") == "/Style%20Library/Images/First.ico") { $("#favourite").attr("src", "/Style%20Library/Images/Second.ico"); } else { $("#favourite").attr(...

SharePoint 2013: How do I reference a html 'source' file from another site collection in a Content Editor Web Part?

Content Editor Web Parts are fantastic for rendering content, but there is small problem if you want to reference a file (through a ContentLink) on another site collection - you are not allowed to! Cross-site scripting is not a good thing. This problem becomes apparent when you have a 'source' site collection that will host all the html/js files and you want all other site collections to reference this (single) source of truth. There are a few options available to resolve the problem. 1. Copy all the JS/Html files to each site collection and reference them locally. (Easy, but it will create a maintenance nightmare if you have lots of site collections). 2. Enable Anonymous access to the 'source' site collection. (Easy, but not a great solution) 3. Install  Content Link Web Part  from Codeplex. (Better, but requires a Farm Solution) 4. Move the link from the ContentLink to the Content in the webpart. The key to resolving the problem is nested CDATA tags. In my ...

Sharepoint 2013: Why is my deployed dll not in the GAC?

I have created a new SharePoint wsp and it has been successfully deployed, but when I searched for the compiled component in the GAC, it was nowhere to be seen. Huh? The simple solution is that the GAC is .net 1.0 - 3.5 is not the same as the GAC in .net 4.0+. The old GAC is the trusted location c:\windows\assembly The new GAC resides in c:\windows\\assembly It was there after all - it helps when you look for the file in the right place.

PowerShell: How do I open a reference without locking it?

I was recently writing a C# dll to the invoked in PowerShell. As I tested the PowerShell script, I found that the dll was being locked and any re-compiles from Visual Studio were being rejected. I used the following code to resolve the problem: $bytesCommon = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("c:\folder\driver.dll") $loadResultCommon = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($bytesCommon)

PowerShell: How do I append data to an existing file in SharePoint with a new line and quotes?

A recent proejct required the injection of some runtime data in my require js configuration file. The following code allowed me to inject the new values into the file. $site = Get-SPSite "http://mysite" $file = $site.RootWeb.GetFile("/Style Library/myfile.js") if (($file -ne $null) -and ($file.Exists -eq $true)) { $binaryAsIs = $file.OpenBinary() $asciiEncoding = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding $asIs = $asciiEncoding.GetString($binaryAsIs)         # This is the text to append to the top.         # `r`n will create a crlf (new line)         # $([char]34) will embed a double quote in the text $new = "// Here is some next text `r`n //and here is text in $([char]34)quotes([char]34)`r`n" $newFile = $new + $asIs $binaryToBe = $asciiEncoding.GetBytes($newFile) $file.CheckOut() $file.SaveBinary($binaryToBe) $file.CheckIn("") $file.Publish("") } $site.Dispose()

SQL Server Express: How do I create an alias for my instance?

Here is a fantastic article that outlines the steps involved. Awesomeness lives here