c#: How can I read / parse a JSON file?
I was tasked with iterating through the JSON results generated by a REST API. I looked at several options such as
dynamic array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsondataasstring)
but I finally ended on using NewtonSoft.JSON to parse the data. The code is as follows:
// get the json data. in my case, I am reading it from a sample file from my MVC app
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/sample.json")))
json = reader.ReadToEnd();
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(json);
// navigate to the area in the object tree that you require
var messages = jObj["response"]["data"]["messages"];
// I now have a messages array that I can iterate through
foreach(var item in messages)
// Write out the property 'title'
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The title is {0}", (string)item["title"]));
dynamic array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsondataasstring)
but I finally ended on using NewtonSoft.JSON to parse the data. The code is as follows:
// get the json data. in my case, I am reading it from a sample file from my MVC app
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/sample.json")))
json = reader.ReadToEnd();
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(json);
// navigate to the area in the object tree that you require
var messages = jObj["response"]["data"]["messages"];
// I now have a messages array that I can iterate through
foreach(var item in messages)
// Write out the property 'title'
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The title is {0}", (string)item["title"]));
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