
Showing posts from August, 2016

HTML5: How do I store values in the session (and why is $cookie complaining about space).

It appears that there is a size limitation for angular-cookies - 4KB. Bummer. An alternative is to use the HTML 5 objects window.localStorage or window.sessionStorage. See  here  for details I used sessionStorage to hold a single object and an object array from a REST endpoint. The code to get and set the values is as follows: First, set the values: sessionStorage.Object1 = JSON.stringify(singleObject); sessionStorage.Object2 = JSON.stringify(multipleObjects) Now populate objects with the cached values: var single = JSON.parse($.parseJSON(sessionStorage.Object1)) var array = $.parseJSON(sessionStorage.Object2)

C#: Pass multiple values to a REST endpoint without having multiple parameters

Instead of passing the parameters to /REST.svc?param1=a&param2=b var items = new NameValueCollection(); items.Add("param1", "a"); items.Add("param2", "b"); var content = HttpPost("http://MyRestEndpoint", items); public static string HttpPost(string uri, NameValueCollection pairs)         {             byte[] response = null;             using (WebClient client = new WebClient())             {                 response = client.UploadValues(uri, pairs);             }             return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);         } NOTE: You can quite easily inject a proxy using the following code: client.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("myProxy", 1001);

AngularJS: Creating headers in an ng-repeat

I came across this great directive  here  to create headers based on sections in an ng-repeat. The cides works like a charm. Here is a copy. // html <div ng-repeat="item in data.items | orderBy:... | filter:... as filteredItems" header-list objects="filteredItems" header="getHeader">     <div ng-show="item.$header">{{item.$header}}</div>     <div>Your normal content</div>  </div> // controller function $scope.getHeader = function(item) {   return, 1); } // directive app.module("...").directive('headerList', function () {   return {     restrict: 'A',     scope: {       objects: '=',       header: '=' // This must be a function or instance method     },     link: function(scope) {       scope.$watch('objects', function() {         var lastHeader, currentHeader; ...

c#: How can I read / parse a JSON file?

I was tasked with iterating through the JSON results generated by a REST API. I looked at several options such as dynamic array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsondataasstring) but I finally ended on using  NewtonSoft.JSON  to parse the data. The code is as follows: // get the json data. in my case, I am reading it from a sample file from my MVC app using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/sample.json"))) {         json = reader.ReadToEnd(); } JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(json); // navigate to the area in the object tree that you require var messages = jObj["response"]["data"]["messages"]; // I now have a messages array that I can iterate through foreach(var item in messages) {   // Write out the property 'title'   Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The title is {0}", (string)item["title"])); }

Javascript: Why are my FileReader and JSON objects not defined in IE11?

I recently encountered this problem when referencing  FileSaver.js  in my project. The code worked in all browsers except Internet Explorer 11. This  post in StackOverflow helped me resolve the problem. The problem was caused by a meta tag forcing the browser to behave like IE 8. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content=" IE=8 "/> This is an issue as my HTML5 reference is now broken. A simple change resolved the problem. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content=" IE=edge "/>

How do I add additional logic to a input (buttons) click event?

Sometimes you need to add additional logic to a existing buttons 'click' event. The code to add extra logic to the item (without overwriting the existing code) is as follows: 1. Store the elements click event in a variable var clickEvent = $("input[id='MyButtonId']").click 2. Overwrite the existing 'click' function, but execute the saved clicked function. $("input[id='MyButtonId']").on('click', function() {  eval(clickEvent); MyNewSaveMethod();} );

API: How do I pass parameters to a REST API without including them in the QueryString? (Overcome penetration testing issues before they occur)

A recent penetration test of some API code showed that user information (such as an email address) was being displayed in the querystring. The API was: [HttpPost] [Route("api/MyAPIEndPoint")] public void DoSomething(string login, string email) { // stuff } A simple view of the endpoint with a browser would display the users details. The network tab in Chrome showed "api/MyAPIEndPoint?login=X12345&". A new approach was required. The solution is to include the data in the body of the Request. The factory event is updated as follows: function DoSomething(login, email, success, failure) { var url = "/api/MyAPIEndPoint"; var parameter = { "Login": login,                 "Email": email }; return executePost(url, parameter, success, failure); } function executePost(url, parameters, success, failure) { var req = { method: 'POST', url: url, data: parameters }; $htt...

SharePoint Online: How do I run a Javascript update with a lookup on a NewForm.aspx or EditForm.aspx?

The requirement I faced with my SharePoint online project was to update fields on the new and edit forms once an item had been selected. The main problem was that the update required a lookup to existing data for each item in a multi select box. The obvious solution was to use  PreSaveAction  in a Script Editor webpart, The script looked something like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>          <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $j = jQuery.noConflict();  function PreSaveAction() {  function SetValue(onComplete) { // clear the target item $("textarea[id*='MyTargetField']").val(''); var listTitle = 'MyLookupList'; var ids = [];                 // get the items fr...