
Showing posts from December, 2014

Sharepoint 2010 FAST Search: Fast Query Language lessons learned

I am currently experiencing the joys of writing FQL search queries. It has been pretty much smooth sailing after I added my Managed Properties (with  this  script) and using these references: However, I learned the following lessons (the hard way): 1. using 'Path' to filter by URL did not work for me. I had to use path:starts-with("http://my-url/my-site") 2. date range queries work much better when dates are set in UTC myDateField:range(2000-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z)

SharePoint 2010 FAST Search: How do I create Managed Properties?

I have delving into the wonders of FAST Search and found this  very helpful script to create managed properties. It definitely saved my a lot of time and headaches. Thank you Ivan Josipovic . Here is a copied version of the text: function New-FASTManagedProperty([string]$Name, [string]$CrawledPropertyName, [string]$Type,[bool]$Refinement,$Sortable) { if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.FASTSearch.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.FASTSearch.PowerShell }     switch ($Type)     {         "Text" {$type = "1"}  #variant 31         "Integer" {$type = "2"} #variant 3         "Decimal" {$type = "5"} #variant 5         "DateTime" {$type = "6"} #variant 64         "Float" {$type = "4"} #variant 5 ?         "Binary" {$type = "3"}  #variant 11     } ...

Cntlm: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Cntlm  is a great tool to create an internet proxy. I wrote about how to configure it here .  However, I recently encountered the following error message when trying to access a local REST service: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it The port number rang a mental bell as it was configured as the listening port for Cntlm. I deactivated Cntlm: 1. Stopped the windows service 2. Reverted the proxy settings in my browser No luck. I tried rebooting the server, but that did not resolve the problem. More investigation revealed that Application Pool account for my custom web site was caching the Cntlm connection. I connected to the machine as the Application Pool account and noticed that the proxy settings for cntlm where still there. I was able to reset the settings to resolve the problem. Alternatively, I could change the Application Pool account.