ProcessBatchData Helper Class

There are a few ways to add multiple rows to a SharePoint list. The iterative approach (i.e.: line by line) is simple, but this pattern will fail a CAF report. The better way to get the data up is loading a batch file using the ProcessBatchData method on your trusty SPWeb object. (The official blurb on the method is here.)

The problem with this is that is requires a well formatted XML string. The easiest way to accomplish this is to writer a helper class and it is quite a life saver.

Here is the class, followed by a sample of how to use the code.

   public class ProcessBatchDataHelper
        private const string ProcessBatchStartXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
        private const string ProcessBatchRowsStartXml = "<ows:Batch OnError=\"Continue\">";
        private const string ProcessBatchEndXml = @"</ows:Batch>";

        private List<BatchProcessMethod> _methods = new List<BatchProcessMethod>();
        private int _methodId;

        public ProcessBatchDataHelper()

        private string GetMethodId()
            return String.Format("M{0}", ++_methodId);

        public BatchProcessMethod NewAddMethod(Guid listId)
            var method = new BatchProcessAddMethod(GetMethodId(), listId.ToString("D"));
            return method;

        public BatchProcessMethod NewUpdateMethod(Guid listId, string itemId)
            var method = new BatchProcessUpdateMethod(GetMethodId(), listId.ToString("D"), itemId);
            return method;

        public void NewDeleteMethod(Guid listId, string itemId)
            var method = new BatchProcessDeleteMethod(GetMethodId(), listId.ToString("D"), itemId);

        public string ToCAML()
            StringBuilder caml = new StringBuilder(10000);

            _methods.ForEach(method => caml.AppendLine(method.ToCAML()));


            return caml.ToString();

    public enum BatchProcessCommand { Save, Delete };

    public abstract class BatchProcessMethod
        private const string ProcessBatchSetVarXml = "\t\t<SetVar Name=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#{0}\">{1}</SetVar>";
        private const string ProcessBatchMethodEndXml = "\t</Method>";
        private const string ProcessBatchMethodStartXml = "\t<Method ID=\"{0}\"><SetList>{1}</SetList><SetVar Name=\"ID\">{2}</SetVar><SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">{3}</SetVar>";

        private string _methodId;
        private string _listId;
        private string _itemId;
        private BatchProcessCommand _cmd;

        private List<string> _setVars = new List<string>();

        protected BatchProcessMethod(string methodId, string listId, string itemId, BatchProcessCommand cmd)
            _methodId = methodId;
            _listId = listId;
            _itemId = itemId;
            _cmd = cmd;

        public void SetVar(string varName, string val)
            _setVars.Add(String.Format(BatchProcessMethod.ProcessBatchSetVarXml, varName, val ?? String.Empty));

        public string ToCAML()
            StringBuilder caml = new StringBuilder(5000);
            caml.AppendLine(String.Format(BatchProcessMethod.ProcessBatchMethodStartXml, _methodId, _listId, _itemId, _cmd.ToString()));

            _setVars.ForEach(var => caml.AppendLine(var));


            return caml.ToString();

    public sealed class BatchProcessAddMethod : BatchProcessMethod
        internal BatchProcessAddMethod(string methodId, string listId)
            : base(methodId, listId, "New", BatchProcessCommand.Save)

    public sealed class BatchProcessUpdateMethod : BatchProcessMethod
        internal BatchProcessUpdateMethod(string methodId, string listId, string itemId)
            : base(methodId, listId, itemId, BatchProcessCommand.Save)

    public sealed class BatchProcessDeleteMethod : BatchProcessMethod
        internal BatchProcessDeleteMethod(string methodId, string listId, string itemId)
            : base(methodId, listId, itemId, BatchProcessCommand.Delete)

The following code does a batch update for the list "list" to the second list "list2" (yes, I know the names are AWESOME). The portion to be aware of is the item loop - I am only setting the Title column, but it can easily be extended. I have added a helpful comment to point you in the right direction.

ProcessBatchData requires the internal column name - I have created a helper method called 'InternalName', which will extract the name from the title.

NOTE: This method  does not take into account the size of the source list - if there are 1000000 rows, it will be done in a single batch. It would probably be best to send the records in batches of 100.

       private void ProcessBatch()
            string sourceListName = "list";
            string targetListName = "list2";
            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(@"http://mysite/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
                    SPList sourceList = web.Lists[sourceListName];
                    SPList targetList = web.Lists[targetListName];

                    ProcessBatchDataHelper cmd = new ProcessBatchDataHelper();

                     SPListItemCollection items = sourceList.Items;
                    foreach (SPListItem item in items)
                        BatchProcessMethod method = cmd.NewAddMethod(targetList.ID);

                        string titleField = InternalName("Title", sourceList);
                        string titleValue = item[titleField].ToString();

                        method.SetVar(titleField, titleValue);
                        // Add additional columns here
                        // method.SetVar(secondFieldInternalName, secondFieldValue);


        private string InternalName(string displayName, SPList sourceList)
            SPFieldCollection fields = sourceList.Fields;
            if (fields.ContainsField(displayName))
                if (string.Compare(displayName, "Title", true) == 0)
                    return "Title";
                    return fields[displayName].InternalName;

            return string.Empty;


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